Jay Cross
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Intuition at Work
Sunday, May 01, 2005
This evening I finished reading Gary Klein's The Power of Intuition. I simply couldn't put it down.

It's not analysis vs. intuition. Rather, it's analysis+intuition. Intuition has a major role to play in decision-making. Klein shows how to become a better intuitive decision maker, a better coach, a better communicator, and a better leader.

This is not a touchy-feely book. It's hard-nosed. It's chock full of tip sheets and lists. The story of Lia DiBello should be sufficient to convince anyone that paying attention to intuition is a profit strategy.
Lia DiBello had never been in a foundry before in her life, but moments after she put on work boots and a hardhat to tour a financial strapped iron foundary, she had an intuition about how to save it from going bankrupt.

Within a month of heeding Lia's advice, the foundary was turning a profit. The company reached about $500,000 in gross profit in the third month alone. It was breaking its own production records, and doing it all with fewer hourly workers. The percentage of on-time deliveries has soared from 38 percent to 85 percent and the scrap rate dropped in half.


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