Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Evolve, or Die: HR's Strategic Challenge lends support to Keith Hammonds' blistering article in the August issue of Fast Company, Why We Hate HR.
Will HR be outsourced out of existence? Will training departments find a new home?
What do you think?
After close to 20 years of hopeful rhetoric about becoming "strategic partners" with a "seat at the table" where the business decisions that matter are made, most human-resources professionals aren't nearly there. They have no seat, and the table is locked inside a conference room to which they have no key. HR people are, for most practical purposes, neither strategic nor leaders.
HR people aren't the sharpest tacks in the box.
HR pursues efficiency in lieu of value.
HR isn't working for you.
The corner office doesn't get HR (and vice versa).
Will HR be outsourced out of existence? Will training departments find a new home?
What do you think?
As you recently quoted from Gloria Gery: "Training will either be strategic or it will be marginalized."
Same for HR.
HR is the gatekeeper of political cowardice (correctness) in corporate America and presides over the decline of workforce competency on the alter of diversity.
If children can be tutored from India
HR grunt work will be out sourced and leave only a few strategic heads at innovative companies.
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