Jay Cross
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Blogging live from Emerging Elearning
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Jery Michalski is chair of today's sessions on Lifelong Learning. Jerry asks the audience what they think Lifelong Learning means. A woman with a wonderful Irish lilt to her voice brings up making time for reflection. the head of the woman's college says you don't learn well without knowing your style. The head of the Dubai Women's College thinks LLL depends on curiosity.

Bernie Luskin is our first keynoter this morning. Senge says planning is learning. Bernie's going to fill in the cracks between the previous days' presentations. He'll focus on 10 advances in learning. What's new?

He will use some avant guard language. We're in the communications century. Bernie thinks of the 80s as the era of spreadsheets, the 90s were the decade of the gadget (blinking tie clips, talking earrings); now we're in the communications age, the beginning of the age of communications and programming.

We are digital. Two vital questions: What needs to change? What needs to stay the same?

The "e" is strangling progress with over-reliance on technology. It should stand for exciting, emerging, energetic, exceptional, ephemeral, engaging, elastic, evangelistic.

Curiously for a guy with Ph D in psychology, Bernie says the amygdala is located in the forebrain.

Interrupt! The Australian ambassador takes the stage. He says you couldn't have found a worse speaker to talk about what's coming up. Or anything else for that matter. However, he hopes that we will take everything he says as gospel. Australia has numerous ties with higher education. The University of Western Australia and HCT are announcing a new masters degree program in petroleum technology.

Jerry is taking the stage. He will tell us
  1. some stories of Fiona, Peter, and Joi
  2. Then, three Ps: persistence, power tools, play
  3. Finally 21st century skills
He will focus on informal learning. How do you get along? Emergent phenomena: the use and recombination of things that are there for other purposes.

Nothing beats face to face. Being here trumps any technology. Learning is social. Why do we know so little about it?

Fiona is Jerry's '62 Sunbeam Alpine. Alpine owners mailing list. Detailed instructions answer people's questions about maintenance.

Peter Kaminski: Maven. Low-key guy. He's on a number of the mail lists Jerry subscribes to. When a question pops up, give Peter a few hours and he will find the answer and share it. Mavens (who know a lot and are willing to share), Connectors (who put people together) and Salespeople (who sell ideas) populate Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point.

Jerry''s The Tipping Point, The Social Life of Information, Communities of Practice (how do I find and use them), Bowling Alone (unaffiliation), The Wisdom of Crowds, Achieving Success Through Social Capital, Linked.

Joichi Ito, who lives his live sort of inside out. He leverages technology to do wonderful things. Flickr not only shows your photos. Tags. All sorts. Cats in Sinks. Transparent screen. Bookmarks on del.icio.us. Keep up with a feed on any topic. If you could look over the shoulder of a dozen people....

Joi has a 24-hour tesxt chat. 108 users...late at night. People are there 24/7, even when Joi is not there. You can talk or (privately) whisper. Joi blogs: a lot. Member of ICANN.. Remarkable transparency. Doc: all I'm doing is my email on the web.

Joi in warcraft. Guilds. Playing with social engineering. Joi now
Second life.

Joi knows Peter. These are linked social networks. If you don't put out informatoin on what you're doing, you won't connect. Virtuous circle.

PersistenceUnder the net, it was impossible for an individual to leave something of yourself for others to see. Any person can find a free website and leave behind words, interactions, or code.

Power Tools. Mailing lists. Chat. IM. VoIP. Scfreen sharing . Social networking. Media Sharing. Bookmarks. Video sharing. Podcasts. Screencasts. (tour possibilities). Machinima... (makes the equv of a movie) Blog Search. Weblogs. Feeds. Tagging. Wikis. (which imply trust), Context and Memory Tools, Visualization, Group Productivity. Each of these things come from diffferent worlds. We need to rethink them arounde human preferences, very plastic, task forucsed, Free them from their history.

Play. Hard to bak in fun. Kids want a challenge, not to have everything easy. Just for Fun. Heavy metal umlaut.

Service mashups. Google+Craigs's list. Not done by a realtor. You Tube. Short videos.

21st Century Jobs. Gardeners, facilitators, process experts, graphic facilitators, coarches, guides, researchers, tool trainers, synthesizers, mem extractors. Dan Pink. Right-brain skills are the jobs of the future.

Learning is social, less is more, bias for openness, appropriation is key (reffs on services,k folksonomies) business models lie above the new platform.

Edward Guiliano, President of New York Institute fo Technology

eLearning is so last century. Computers are applicances: ho hum. "I gotta use words when I talk to you," T.S. Eliot.

Tech that create, enable, and empower learning

Great video. Woman hits "carriage return"" and knocks monitor off her desk.

Cultural revolution in Whom we teach, How, Why, What, How we learn.


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