Monday, November 21, 2005
This has been a wonderful day. We completed the circle of our World Cafe by sharing people's contributions with the Minister of Education Sheikh Nahayan.
Me explaining that we had appropriated the cafe concept from Bedouin hospitality.

His Excellency, Paul Mace, moi

His Excellency, Paul Mace, moi

These are starter photos. Wherever the sheikh appears, a bevy of professional photographers is grabbing shots. Sitting next to him, I felt like a celebrity at the Oscars. Click, click, click, click. Anyway, I should have enough photos to fill several albums in a day or two.
I'll be in Abu Dhabi another week, focused on writing the Informal Learning book. The last few days in the UAE have been a terrific learning experience for participants, my friends who joined me here, and me. This afternoon I decided that this experience will become a chapter entitled "Conversations."
Everyone I spoke with deemed Emerging Elearning 2005 a success. Videos of major presentations are already up on the conference site. Tomorrow we plan to set up a mail list to keep the flame alive by continuing the conversation we have started.
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